Be sure to keep accessibility best practices in mind for all your followers and avoid filling your entire bio with characters that are hard to read or understand for customers using screen readers. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'smallbiztrends_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_3',151,'0','0'])); The marketplace for short-term lodging rentals uses its Instagram bio to encourage customers to share their own photos and experiences. Download the Sprout Social app for IOS Devices in the Apple App store. Everyone already knows that Starbucks sells coffee. The founder of Elite Daily fits quite a bit into a short bio, outlining his current work, past work, tagline and more. In her free time, she goes on food adventures and writes unrhymed poetry. Will go into survival mode if tickled. See how Madewell added a link to their Instagram account for menswear. The bio is the only place on Instagram where you can add a clickable link (other than Instagram stories, but those only work if you have over 10,000 followers or a verified badge). It’s awesome seeing the top companies in the world Instagram bios. June 3rd, 2018 Marketing Restaurant Tech Social Media Written by Selena Slavenburg At well over 500 million active users and rolling out new features on the reg (business analytics, Instagram Stories, live video, and Start Order), Instagram’s audience eclipses that of Twitter, Snapchat, and Pinterest. To discover more insights that will help you take your social strategy to the next level, download the 2020 Sprout Social Index: Above & Beyond. First of all, why does your Instagram business profile bio matter so much? Whatsapp: +54 9 11 6928 5046 The option to add profile links is great for businesses that manage multiple accounts. But it also includes a statement about how the company makes charitable contributions based on purchases. But it uses some emojis and a custom link to make it stand out and point customers in the right direction. Plan your projects, track your tasks, and collaborate with your team like you never even left the office. It should be iconic or instantly recognizable. Read on or jump to the next section for tips on how to perfect your Instagram bio’s copy. One option that seems to be sweeping a certain population is to use Instagram bio quotes as they can be funny, they can inspire, and perhaps most importantly, they can tempt users to want to find out more about you. | I think that it is important to have a social presence in Instagram. One of the first things you should do upon signing up for Instagram for your business is create a bio. Instagram also allows you to specify which category your brand falls under – whether you run a restaurant or a media and entertainment company. The famous entrepreneur’s Instagram bio features some fun personal facts while … All rights reserved. A/B test your Instagram bio. | The popular makeup and skincare brand uses its Instagram bio to share its philosophy on beauty, along with some fun emojis. So the account’s bio reflects that. The company’s bio tells us a little bit about what the business sells and what its brand values are. However, think about it – your Instagram BIO (besides the images of course) is the first point of contact with your potential followers. So she uses her Instagram bio to tell a little about herself, and the rest to promote various projects and passions. When you've only got 140 characters to make a case for your restaurant and show people what you're about, you've got to be quick, punchy and fun. This author and entrepreneur lists some of his accomplishments in his Instagram bio, along with a few personal hobbies and a link to his book on Amazon. Instagram Bio Quotes. And according to the 2020 Sprout Social Index, these are all the things that make a brand’s social presence stand out. Their userbase is just growing. Jacqueline Zote is a professional content writer and editor. You have 200 characters or less to represent your restaurant and show what sets it apart. This retail brand includes a link in its bio to allow customers to shop items featured on its Instagram account, along with specific instructions for how to shop. • Bio. Many brands use a service like Linktree to maximize the single link limit by taking the user to a landing page with shortcuts to featured content and product pages. Instagram gives you a maximum of 150 characters to summarize your company and its activities. Would YOU return to the restaurant in which the food tastes stale and undercooked? You helped us to understand different tactics of posting bio on instagram. Then he uses the rest of the space to promote and give details about his latest book. If you want to grow your Instagram following, you could even add a CTA to “follow us” for your regular content such as daily recipes, fashion updates and so on. And it also promotes the company’s Snapchat account to encourage more people to follow on both platforms. For brands with a widely-recognized visual identity like National Geographic TV, even just the iconic yellow rectangle logo makes for a great profile photo. I always get a new insight or fresh perspective when I read your work. Thank you! Useful post for me. Consider using your restaurant’s logo because it’ll display small on the app, so you want it to be memorable. Alternatively, you could also use branded hashtags to promote a specific campaign or a new/upcoming release. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Be sure to choose images that are visually cohesive across all your profiles to help create a recognizable and authoritative brand identity. Orgánico Certificado. It’s the perfect place to exhibit your brand identity and show off your creative side. Shot in the comfort of her own kitchen, Sneh Roy’s Cook Republic is honest … The bio also features an offer for some free resources on the company’s website. On the other hand, your name is your real or full brand name. Beth Macri ’s jewelry is also custom and, like Patrick Adair, its Instagram bio has emojis that direct users’ eyes to the main Linktree URL CTA. So it uses its bio to promote that theme. But it also promotes its accounts on other platforms, including Snapchat and even Spotify. We are bringing you over 50 best food captions for Instagram pictures that you can use for your next post. Showcase your brand’s overall personality. That’s why you should focus on creating an Instagram business bio that effectively portrays your brand personality and establishes your unique value proposition. It also includes a fun slogan. It has to be able to reel in the consumer. This ice cream company’s bio includes really specific information about its product, including the amount of calories and the inclusion of natural ingredients. And it even states that the company plants three trees for each tent sold. Tito’s Vodka uses its bio to include some basic product information. A smaller business, Brick Lane Bikes also offers some extra information about its brand in its Instagram bio, mentioning that it was the first fixed-gear bike store in the U.K. Your Instagram bio could make all the difference in boosting your social presence. So, all in all, Instagram bio is the only place that you use to provide a message or details that you want to show publicly. Bethenny Frankel is another entrepreneur with a lot going on. Even though it may seem like a small part of your profile, coming up with the perfect Instagram bio for business can be challenging. Drive Traffic & Make Sales Using by Later. This entrepreneur and speaker uses his Instagram bio to share a few personal and professional details, including recent awards and recognition. You could use a branded hashtag to collect user-generated content like Canva. To add some interesting tidbits to your small business Instagram bio, check out this list of Instagram bio examples for inspiration. Ready to create an impactful Instagram bio? The popular magazine focuses on the feel of the photos it shares in its bio by calling attention to the adventurous aspect.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'smallbiztrends_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',146,'0','0'])); Since this entrepreneur has so many projects, he simply states “I like making things” in his bio. Where you you find good Instagram bio quotes? "Small Business Trends" is a registered trademark. According to their site, they have over 3,000 contributors at 100 college campuses that cover everything from restaurant reviews to tips for eating in college. You can write your Instagram bio any way you want to. Thanks for this help. I absolutely love Reynold’s Kitchen for keeping their bio relevant to what’s new for them (recent articles). Bio’s are maybe the most important thing about business because it the first thing you see. Your bio sets the stage for your brand presence on the platform. © Copyright 2021 Sprout Social, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Some businesses also use this section to express their brand mission and what they stand for. California Pizza Kitchen’s Instagram page makes followers yearn for the California hillside and fresh ocean air. News Cafe, a fixture on Ocean Drive since it was opened more than three decades ago by restaurateur Mark Soyka, is closed. Throw in a CTA and we’re cooking … Digital marketing agency Blue Fountain Media has a great example for an effective Instagram bio with their Instagram account. But it includes how long the company has been in business, which can help to build customer trust. Use an eye-catching profile picture. This allows people to take action straight from your Instagram profile when on the mobile app, making it easier for customers to convert on actions – from buying tickets to booking tables. Say a bit about yourself and you will quickly eat up your allowance. So you don’t have much to work with, which makes it even more crucial to plan ahead and perfect your Instagram business bio. Learn restaurant Instagram marketing from real-life popular restaurants and boost sales with hands-on restaurant Instagram promotions & tips. To craft an Instagram bio is really hard and I was very confused that exactly how to make it for my shop so that I can have more followers. Thank you for sharing the post and profile examples, One can study and promote our own businesses by this strategies. Sometimes it can be hard to know if your Instagram bio is serving your social media marketing goals. | Sign up for the Small Business Trends newsletter today and receive TWO free exclusive eBooks that include over 200 sales and marketing tips. Now that you know what goes into an IG bio, let’s take a look at tips on how to write the best Instagram bios for business: Since you have to stay within the 150-character limit, it’s crucial that you have a clear sense of direction when writing an Instagram bio for business. So it’s crucial that people can easily read and process the information without too much trouble. Be sure to choose images that are visually cohesive across all your profiles to help create a recognizable and authoritative brand identity. If you do promote sales and recent products, be sure your team is ready to regularly refresh your bio and ensure this info is up to date. FedEx uses a combination of its business motto, emoji and hashtags to encourage follower engagement in its bio. And you only have 150 characters to sum up what your business stands for, so it’s perfectly reasonable to overthink it. You Instagram bio should contain the following components: The CEO of Shredz uses his Instagram bio to share a few personal details, as well as an inspirational quote for his followers. An ideal Instagram bio should mainly serve the following purpose: Communicate effectively about what your business is about. You might consider using those in one spot in your bio, such as in your username. Your bio is a section of your Instagram profile. The eyeglass company shares a basic overview of its offering in its Instagram bio. While you can always add a URL to your homepage, you can also update this link more frequently by posting new products, new content, new projects and more. How to Write a Restaurant Bio on Twitter. Instagram Bio Template to Follow. You could invite them to visit your website, shop your feed, check out your latest blog post, download your new guide or even share their own photos using your branded hashtag. Your bio is an essential good first impression while clarifying why they should follow you. Required fields are marked *, Founded in 2003, Small Business Trends is an award-winning online publication for small business owners, entrepreneurs and the people who interact with them. As stated in their Instagram bio, Chipotle delivers memes and burritos. Their Instagram feed is a hilarious collection of content, including screenshots of tweets alongside their very own Chipotle memes to keep their audience engaged and hungry. It’s a part of your Instagram profile URL ( and holds a prominent location at the top of your profile page. This entrepreneur uses his Instagram bio to list some of his accomplishments, like the big names he’s invested in. You could also use it to promote your latest products and offers or inform people about what your business does. So make the most of this to direct customers to your other Instagram handles or to relevant, tagged content. Chobani’s Instagram bio features a hashtag that customers can use to get their own photos featured. Instagram lets you add clickable hashtags and profile links in your bio. Make it concise and to the point. Show More Posts from bio_soloorganico. This is the only section of Instagram that allows you to add a clickable link, so make sure you use this space wisely. Pottery Barn’s Instagram bio includes a customer hashtag, and also encourages customers to shop the products shown in the account’s feed. The retailer even has a link set up to feature those products specifically so that customers can find them easily. The athletic apparel brand uses its bio to share a brief overview of the company. In other words, it should factor into your overall Instagram business strategy. Aside from offering a few personal and professional details, Huffington adds a unique touch to her bio by referring to herself as a “sleep evangelist.”. Formatting such as line breaks and spacing make it easier to read and emphasize important information at a glance. What a great list of bio’s by companies that know what they’re doing. Here, the Instagram bio also has a CTA to get customers to share their content via a branded hashtag, which Beth Macri can then repurpose for its own marketing initiatives. Bio. Here are a few Instagram bio tips that you might want to add based on popular trends. So the company instead chooses to promote its latest line within its Instagram bio. Instead of explaining what an Oreo is — since pretty much everyone already knows — the company promotes contests and time-specific promotions on its Instagram bio. Some businesses may also add relevant emojis if that kind of approach fits the brand personality. Flowers for Dreams uses its Instagram bio to share information about its charitable initiatives so that customers can feel good about their purchases. I’m not smart; I just wear glasses. To make creating a bio easier, we’ve broken down the elements that go into the best Instagram bios for business and how to write one for your brand. Follow the lead of Pinkberry … This shows up right under your business name if you choose to enable it, so it helps free up space in your bio for other important details. Then, begin improving your Instagram bio section. Cookies Instagram limits the number of characters in the bio. If you want to just show your emotions, you can do this cleverly following emoji guide to make awesome emoji bio. 220+ Instagram Bio Ideas for 2020. This includes the language and tone you use or what you say, in general. So make sure you use them sparingly and strategically to avoid going over the character limit. This entrepreneur shares a few personal details in his Instagram bio. Privacy This is the section under your name, where you get to express yourself (or in this case, your brand personality). The company behind Reynold’s Wrap uses its Instagram bio to share a special offer that encourages followers to visit the company’s website. Writing your Instagram bio for business is one key part of creating the perfect Instagram business profile. Its Instagram bio now bears a … He also promotes daily posts using the profile link. A Vietnamese Restaurant Serving House-Made Noodles Is Coming to North Portland. This may seem like a lot but with an average 5 characters for word, this is only 30 words. | You could include a brand logo, a brick-and-mortar location or even a product photo. Stay productive. Most relevant consumers already know of this luxury brand. For instance, in the following Instagram business profile example, the username for Sprouts Farmers Market is just @sprouts but the name section has the full name of the business. This should be relevant to your brand’s visual identity. How to create a winner Instagram Bio A study from Missouri University of Science and Technology revealed that online visitors only need two-tenths of a second to get a first impression of a profile, website or social account and, need another 2.6 seconds for the viewer’s eyes to focus and reconfirm that first impression. To improve your Instagram bio and drive traffic to your website or blog, add a link. Get very specific with this depending on the goal of your Instagram business account. food. The popular tattoo publication uses its bio to invite influencers and others to contact them for press and other opportunities. Disclosure Policy But she mixes in some unique personality by referring to herself as a “fancy dancer” as well. But note that special characters and emojis may not translate well on a screen reader. The outdoor equipment company includes a quick description, some eye-catching emojis and a hashtag for customers to use. For instance, you could simply use it to convey your brand’s personality and announce your Instagram presence. Contact options provide prospective customers with the info they need to connect with your business. Jacqueline Zote. good times.” along with some basic details about the business. Then he lists the Instagram handles for some of his current projects. Gatorade’s bio is pretty straightforward. The restaurant windows are boarded up, a chain barricades the front door, and the restaurant's website is down. The Quotations Page is a good place to start. Her short fiction has appeared in anthologies published by HarperCollins Publishers and Zubaan Books. What Are the 5 Major Cybersecurity Mistakes I Can Avoid as a Small Business Owner? Richard Branson. Here’s an example of a restaurant that isn’t a huge national chain (it has … One way of ensuring all your images for Instagram are consistent with brand standards, whether your profile logo or in-feed content, is to use a tool like Sprout’s Asset Library, which can store approved images for all team members to use across social. By Brooke Jackson-Glidden January 5 Shake Shack and In-N-Out Are Going All-In on Portland-Area Expansion. Recovering ice cream addict. Download the Sprout Social app for Android in the Google Play Store. Keep in mind that these characters and line breaks will factor into your total character count. Compel the customer/reader to take an action. One way of ensuring all your images for Instagram are consistent with brand standards, whether your profile logo or in-feed content, is to use a tool like. Humboldt 2192, CABA. Thank you…! Your email address will not be published. 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