Human trafficking thrives on poverty and vulnerability, both of which are growing exponentially during the COVID-19 crisis. “Trafficking in Persons”… mean[s] the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another perso… The number of detections of migrants illegally crossing all external borders into Europe fell by 85 per cent from March to April 2020. (Note: males are indeed sometimes used in sex traffi… Indeed, as economies reopen and production ramps back up, companies and policymakers can anticipate—and should plan for—an increased potential for forced labor. International Studies. One of the more unexpected ways is that the already difficult task of ending modern slavery is even more challenging. National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2020 A Proclamation Human trafficking erodes personal dignity and destroys the moral fabric of society. My specific task this semester is researching and identifying the number of reported victims of human trafficking in Eastern European countries. How leaders address the pandemic’s effects on those at greatest risk for exploitation and human trafficking will shape the future of our economies and societies. As the Global Economy Melts Down, Human Trafficking Is Booming. To hold traffickers accountable and block their profits, law enforcement should partner with the financial sector to identify and interrupt the illicit financial transactions of traffickers. I am humbled to be apart a team of law students at Regent that have been entrusted in joining the fight against human trafficking and providing research to organizations like the IJM so that the hope of freedom will continue to be multiplied in lives across the globe. Why fixing the second issue isn’t possible without addressing the first. Five men acquitted of human trafficking as country seems to be losing war on smugglers ... Thu 23 Jan 2020 07.56 EST Last modified on Thu 23 Jan 2020 09.15 EST. A group of foreign women rounded up by police from karaoke bars in Thailand’s southern province of Narathiwat are taken to city hall during a campaign against human trafficking on Nov. 9, … It is also a very lucrative crime in Europe. In another “mini” episode that accidentally turned mega, Mike tells Sarah about the Wayfair conspiracy theory and the sketchy statistical screenshots that have shown up in its wake. Companies, anxious to ramp up production after months of lost income, may be more willing to hire the cheapest labor available, including from unethical recruiters, and to skip labor inspections and other oversight measures—thereby enabling human traffickers to thrive. Regent University School of Law – RH 225L Victims are seeking justice against their oppressors and advocating for others to acknowledge the problem in our society of oppression and become involved. (ILO, 2017) 16 million people are trafficked for forced labor in the private economy. Are you an advocate for the oppressed? Attention should be paid first to trafficking survivors—72 percent of whom are women and girls. Human trafficking in Europe is a regional phenomenon of the wider practice of trade in humans for the purposes of various forms of coercive exploitation.Human trafficking has existed for centuries all over the world, and follows from the earlier practice of slavery, which differed from human trafficking in that it was legally recognized and accepted. The United Nations predicts that the combination of stay-at-home orders, economic vulnerability, and disrupted prevention programs will contribute to 13 million more child marriages around the world (a form of modern slavery), as families force adolescent girls to marry early as an economic safety net. For migrant workers—already vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation—the COVID-19 pandemic is only compounding their risk. In 2018, there were 10,949 human trafficking cases reported to the National Hotline, 23,078 survivors identified, 5,859 potential traffickers, and 1,905 suspicious businesses. Crime is down in Suffolk County and indictments for human trafficking are up, Steve Bellone said, calling out for federal aid to avoid cuts. This semester I have had the honor of working on projects for the International Justice Mission. In recent months, domestic workers—many living in slavery-like conditions—have experienced increased physical and sexual violence, decreased wages, and confinement in the home. It is likewise essential that governments strengthen and enforce regulations for labor migration and ethical recruitment (in addition to broader regulations to prevent trafficking, such as those that protect domestic workers and address online exploitation). Twitter: @jamillebigio. These small movements towards freedom multiply hope for all individuals affected by human trafficking. … Link to Resource: Read More. A Global Report on Trafficking in Persons launched today by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) provides new information on a crime that shames us all. I have also found that most countries are acknowledging the tragedy of human trafficking in their country and have implemented various measures and policies to prevent the advancement of human trafficking as well as provide aid and relief to victims. This post was written by a Center for Global Justice Student Staff Member. Often, it is easier to detach from the emotions of researching an issue that is heavy than to maintain an honest perspective about the realities of human trafficking. The pandemic is also taking a toll on the social services that support—and help identify—people who have survived trafficking: A recent OSCE and UN survey of organizations working in 102 countries found that many fear that the diversion of funding and attention away from anti-trafficking responses will force them to close their shelters, without which survivors risk homelessness and further exploitation. Center for Global Justice ® Between 2013 and 2014 15,846 victims were registered in the EU , 71% of the victims were women and girls, and more than half aged under 25. In parts of the Middle East, for example, exploiters withhold victims’ documentation, preventing them from returning to their home countries. 1000 Regent University Drive • Human trafficking, a form of modern day slavery, involves the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain and is a $150 billion global industry.Two thirds of this figure ($99 billion) is generated from commercial sexual exploitation, while another $51 billion results from forced economic exploitation, including domestic work, agriculture and other economic activities. The TIP Report is an invaluable tool to bring to light the prevalence of human trafficking around the globe and to hold countries accountable for their role in fighting this violation of human … Jamille Bigio is a senior fellow in the Women and Foreign Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations and the former director for human rights and gender on the White House National Security Council staff. The first project my team is working on concerns the issue of human trafficking in Eastern Europe. Please pray for our interns, staff and the organizations we support – that God would empower us in strategically making a difference. A financially-motivated crime, human trafficking statistics are on the rise. August 28, 2020. (ILO, 2017) The 2020 TIP Report covers government efforts undertaken from April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020. One in four victims of trafficking in Europe is under 18, while two out of three are women or girls. The thing that has most significantly impacted me this semester is the sheer volume of individuals in the world today that are affected by human trafficking. According to the 2018 US National Human Trafficking Hotline Statistics, the hotline has handled 51,919 cases since 2007. In my research, I began to see God’s redemption become evident. Women in Equatorial Guinea are highly vulnerable to sex trafficking. It is an affront to humanity that tragically reaches all parts of the world, including communities across our Nation. Tier Placement. The United States Department of State has released the 20th edition of the Trafficking in Persons Report, which provides an overview of the impacts these reports have had over the past 20 years through-out the world.Over time, these reports have developed a ranking system that divides countries into 3 tiers based on their “governments’ efforts to combat human trafficking.” My team has taken on various researching roles to supply the IJM Eastern Europe office with information regarding current and recent statistics on human trafficking victims, discrepancies in reported victim statistics, and prosecution standards for trafficking in Romania. As mass layoffs cost migrant workers their essential daily income, those already on the edge of poverty are left with little ability to buy food and scant or no access to health care and social services. Children are spending more time on the internet for school work and social interaction, and traffickers are increasingly targeting them for sexual exploitation online. Here are the 10 states with the highest rates of human trafficking: Nevada ( 7.61 per 100k) … When every number represents an individual life that remains free from oppression, there is something to be celebrated in the fight against human trafficking. Human Trafficking Statistics 2020. There are many ways in which women and children are trafficked. With 14 million victims, India is the global leader in human trafficking, the facts from 2014 confirm. Haydn Welch is a research associate in the Women and Foreign Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations. By: You're Wrong About. U.S. missions overseas are dedicated to covering human trafficking issues year-round. The country is campaigning for a seat on the U.N. Security Council, but taking on that role will clash with some fundamental tenets of Swiss foreign policy. As the Global Economy Melts Down, Human Tr... Out-of-school children are at further risk of forced labor due to their families’ economic stress, 200 percent spike in posts on child sex abuse forums, illicit financial transactions of traffickers, ‘We’re in a Worse Place Today Than We Were Before He Came In’, The Rise and Fall and Rise (and Fall) of the U.S. Financial Empire, The American Far-Right Is Dangerous but Disorganized. Contact us regarding Regent intern opportunities and to let us know how we can best serve you. The top 3 types of trafficking cases from 2018: Labor abuse has already been documented to match the skyrocketing demand for personal protective equipment, or PPE. This practice bankrolls criminal organizations, supports terrorist and armed groups, enables abusive regimes, and undermines stability. Statistics and Facts. (Private economy includes: private individuals, groups, or companies in all sectors except the commercial sex industry). There was a 200 percent spike in posts on child sex abuse forums between February and March, combined with a nearly 90 percent drop in the amount of child abuse material removed from the internet, as investigators struggled to keep pace due to reduced staff capacity and the closure of hotlines used to report abuse. we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. Although the number of victims throughout Eastern Europe is high, the number in some countries have decreased in the last two years. But congressional sources say it’s highly unlikely lawmakers will cut billions of dollars of already appropriated funding. The Department ranks each country in this report on one of four tiers, as mandated by the TVPA. Beyond being rightfully condemned as a grave affront to human rights and dignity, human trafficking also weakens economies and threatens global security. The Commission's objective is to apply harmonised data collection methodologies to produce EU-level statistics, which will enable comparisons between EU States on the structures and trends of crime. These are just a few of the stories of human trafficking victims included in the report. France and Germany Spearhead WHO Reform. Make a donation now, or contact Mary Bunch to discuss how can optimize your giving. Virginia Beach, VA 23464, Phone: 757.352.4660 September 10, 2020 10:47 Authorities in the UK and Romania have arrested 24 people, cracking a syndicate that trafficked low income Romanian girls into the UK, Ireland and Germany … Pressure to meet heightened demand will incentivize companies to take shortcuts and save costs that risk exacerbating modern slavery. Other members of my team have researched the civil remedies that are available for individuals that were trafficked. As the private sector rehires workers and labor migration rises to pre-pandemic levels, businesses have an opportunity to modernize labor recruitment to increase safety, transparency, and efficiency— checking corruption and reducing the risks of forced labor. Out-of-school children are at further risk of forced labor due to their families’ economic stress. In 2020, CBP officers in Cincinnati seized 14,504 fraudulent identification items, in the form of licenses, holographic stickers or seals, laminates, social security cards, passports, visas, and other types of identification. Written By: Swati Pramod Dive, II M.A. The number of victims of human trafficking throughout one region of the world sobered me to the harsh reality of the broken world we inhabit. Over the past decade, ‘Human Trafficking’ has received global attention. Recalling its Resolution 1922 (2013) on trafficking of migrant workers for forced labour and its Resolution 1983 (2014) on prostitution, trafficking and modern slavery in Europe, the Assembly fully supports the decision taken by the Committee of Ministers at its 129th session in Helsinki on 17 May 2019 to examine ways of strengthening action against trafficking in human beings. As my semester has progressed, many things in my research have deeply moved me. National Human Trafficking Statistics. ... September 15, 2020. The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect those of Regent University, Regent Law School, or the Center for Global Justice. The United States should get serious about ending slavery once and for all. The pandemic-related global economic meltdown should be no excuse to look the other way. The Action Plan focuses on the exchange of information and th… Where trafficking flourishes, our collective safety and prosperity flounder. Already, one in four victims of forced labor was a migrant worker before the pandemic; now, many more are potentially vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. For children around the world, meanwhile, global school closures increase their risk of exploitation. However, I am reminded that various people and organizations around the world, with different levels of influence, are actively fighting in the war on human trafficking. However, there is still significant work to be done because in other countries, the number of victims is increasing, and some countries remain hesitant to fully acknowledge the issue of human trafficking within their border. Year Published: 2020. . Human trafficking has gotten worse during the pandemic, including in Orange County, according to the director of victim assistance programs at Waymakers. With the pandemic expected to drive at least 70 million people into extreme poverty, according to a recent World Bank estimate, desperate workers will be more likely to accept risky job offers or high-interest loans to survive, only to end up trapped in exploitative situations. The coronavirus has created more people vulnerable to exploitation by traffickers—and revealed the world’s unpreparedness to protect them. For 20 years, the Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) has demonstrated the United States’ conviction that human trafficking is a global threat necessitating a global response. More than 20 million people living today around the world have been trafficked for sexual exploitation, forced labour and other activities across the world, generating a profit of €117 billion a year. A group of foreign women rounded up by police from karaoke bars in Thailand’s southern province of Narathiwat are taken to city hall during a campaign against human trafficking on Nov. 9, 2018. It is estimated that between 15,000 to 50,000 women and children are forced into sexual slavery in the United States every year, and the total number varies wildly as it is very difficult to research. The team behind the study focused on 53 court cases from 2006 to 2020, which took place in 15 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America and the European Court of Human Rights and included a female defendant that was also a victim of trafficking for sexual exploitation. Fax: 757.352.4595 Number of human trafficking defendants sentenced to prison in the U.S. FY 2000-2015 Incidence rate of felonies with female victims in Italy 2014-2015 Number of human trafficking … In January 2012 the Commission put forward a Communication on European Crime Statistics, including a new Action Plan for the period 2011-15 (to replace the 2006-10 Action PlanSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN•••). Human trafficking is the exploitation of people against their will by use of force and it is the one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. In my time as a member of the student staff for the Center for Global Justice over the past two months, I have been challenged and deeply humbled by the projects I have had the opportunity to work on. Equatorial Guinea has consistently featured on this list from 2011 to 2018. The COVID-19 pandemic is making the world worse in lots of ways. 2. A just-released report by the charity Save the Children Italy also reveals that 56 % of identified trafficking cases registered in the European Union in 2019 were related to trafficking for sexual exploitation. But statistics can hardly convey the harsh reality of humans forcibly traded across the continent, the majority of whom are exploited for sexual purposes. The first project my team is working on concerns the issue of human trafficking in Eastern Europe. Your financial resources fund internships and help us advance our operations. But as the pandemic wreaks havoc on society, it also creates an opportunity for leaders to “build back better”—to make their countries safer and more equitable for all, and in so doing, finally end modern slavery. Where border closures are blocking travel, survivors who escape their traffickers find themselves stranded. Wayfair and Human Trafficking Statistics. 24.9 million people are victims of forced labor. Their debts continue to accumulate, and their families at home, reliant on wages they are no longer sending back, become more desperate. Human trafficking thrives in places where people lack opportunity and the rule of law is weak, and when the balance tips in favour of the trafficker, the vulnerable become more vulnerable. National efforts to strengthen social safety nets to assist communities affected by COVID-19 can simultaneously prevent workers and families in economic distress from accepting exploitative situations, for themselves or their children. Together, these factors increase the likelihood that migrant workers will accept potentially fraudulent job offers to survive. However, I have discovered that hope is imbedded even in the statistics. However, when I truly began to realize that the numbers I was collecting and analyzing represent individual people, I was faced with grief and astonishment. America Abandoned Its Economic Prophet. When researching statistics, it can be tempting to simply see numbers and become numb to the reality at hand. To realize this benefit, governments should ensure that at-risk communities have access to basic services, from healthcare and cash transfers to credit and low interest rates, regardless of their recent employment history or legal status. The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons defines human trafficking or trafficking in persons: 1. Forced labor affects 25 million people and produces an estimated $150 billion annually, making it one of the world’s most profitable crimes. The World Embraced Him. 06/19/2020: Human Trafficking 101 Fact Sheet - Portugese: pdf : 547.9 KB : 06/19/2020: Human Trafficking 101 Fact Sheet - Russian: pdf : 514.45 KB : 06/19/2020: Human Trafficking 101 Fact Sheet - Thai: pdf : 225.33 KB : 06/30/2020: Human Trafficking 101 Fact Sheet - Vietnamese: pdf : 511.66 KB : 06/22/2020 One study from the Department of Health and Human Services estimated the number between 240,000 and 325,000, while a report from the University of Pennsylvania put it at between 100,000 and 300,000. Trafficking in persons means illegal transport of an individual by threatening, forcing and doing fraud activities with such people. In the Ivory Coast, for example, the Fuller Project’s Shola Lawal and Corinne Redfern reported on a group of Nigerian women who fled the brothel where they were held captive and are now trapped in a shelter, as Nigeria’s travel restrictions prevent their return home. As countries scramble to mitigate the extensive harm caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders should ensure the most vulnerable in their societies do not fall prey to exploitation. And to protect survivors of trafficking, governments should guarantee the availability of hotlines and safe accommodation that allow for physical distancing during the pandemic—in addition to longer-term support for survivors’ reintegration in society. The European Commission published its Third report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking in human beings.This Report identifies key patterns and challenges in addressing trafficking in human beings, provides an analysis of statistics and outlines the results of anti-trafficking actions. The practice of using forced labor is also common in the country. Why Biden thinks the way he does about foreign policy, what the future holds for an America on the brink, and what the Cold War policy of containment means for our current moment—all from our latest magazine issue. A large number of immigrant and local women are often exploited for sex while men are forced to work in oil mines. Lisa Finn , Patch Staff Posted Tue, Sep 22, 2020 … Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. The first will cut billions of dollars of already appropriated funding the coronavirus has created more people vulnerable sex... 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