Tributaries of the inferior vena cava: want to learn more about it? The IVC was to the right of the spine, smaller than normal , and ended abruptly a short distance above the right renal vein at the level of the first lumbar vertebra . Primary adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare adrenal tumor that invades the IVC. C, Thick coronal MIP reformat shows the duplicated infrarenal IVC with the left (arrow) draining into the left renal vein and crossing behind the aorta (black arrow). It has a short intra-thoracic course before draining into the right atrium at the inferior cavoatrial junction. The IVC lies between the liver and the diaphragm and cephalad courses medially to enter the right atrium. The proximal right ureter courses posterior to the IVC, emerges to the right of the aorta, and lies anterior to the right iliac vessel. IVC tributaries. Then, the most caudal segment of the right supracardinal vein becomes the infrarenal vena cava. Created by. A useful mnemonic to remember the tributaries of the inferior vena cava is: I Like To Rise So High Mnemonic I: common iliac veins L: lumbar veins T: right testicular (gonadal) vein R: renal veins S: suprarenal veins H: hepatic veins The first main vein is the longest, most variable vein and is referred to as the right hepatic vein. It is always important to keep in mind that MRI examinations do not expose the patient to ionizing radiation. Copyright © – If the suprarenal IVC is present, it receives blood from the renal veins. Nevertheless, complications sometimes occur directly related to the presence of anatomic aberrations. IVC and renal vein anatomic variants have minimal increased risk for medical complications such as thrombus or embolism, but are particularly important to identify in patients planning to undergo surgical or percutaneous interventions because their identification can aid in procedure planning and reduce likelihood of complications. The diameter of the main hepatic veins on average 12.3 mm, and back — 4.8 mm. The inferior vena cava (IVC) is formed by the union of the right and left common iliac veins at the level of vertebra L5. The current literature consistently describes mortality rates of 50% to 70% for injuries to the superior mesenteric vein… Duplicated IVC: There are two IVCs below the level of the renal veins—each connected to the ipsilateral common iliac vein. The third and fourth lumbar veins usually enter the posterior aspect of the inferior vena cava but the first and second lumbar veins are more variable. The venous congestion caused by the tumor can cause acute organ failure of the liver, kidneys, and other organs depending on its location, growth rate, and the development of bland thrombus aggravating the problem. Knowledge of the IVC embryogenesis is necessary for a better understanding of the IVC anatomic aberrations. The IVC has a retroperitoneal course within the abdominal cavity. At the level of the T12, the right suprarenal vein drains into the inferior vena cava. The superior anatomic assessment provided by MRI or MDCT of the abdomen and pelvis makes them the modalities of choice at the time of making the final diagnosis. This technique does not require the intravenous administration of gadolinium-chelate contrast agents. Accurate knowledge of the anatomy of these veins is necessary for improved efficacy of surgical interventions in the retroperitoneum. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI is arguably the most reliable method to assess vascular patency. The left IVC joins the left renal vein, which then crosses anterior to the abdominal aorta and drains into the right IVC (Fig. 3 Lateral Veins-Rt suprarenal (adrenal) vein-Rt and LFT renal veins-Rt testicular vein. The new phased array coils built with 12 and 16 channels can deliver better coverage of the abdomen and pelvis and provide increased signal-to-noise ratio. Think of the IVC wanting to rise high up to the heart. The second renal vein is approximately 1 to 2 cm more inferior and posterior. Splenic . ... Tributaries to the inferior vena cava include the following veins: common iliac veins, lumbar veins, right testicular or ovarian vein, renal veins, right suprarenal vein, inferior phrenic veins, and ; hepatic veins. Examples of this technique include T4-weighted spin echo and single shot T2-weighted imaging (e.g., SSFSE, HASTE), which can provide excellent anatomic assessment almost free of motion artifacts. Because the inferior vena cava is located to the right of the midline, drainage of the tributaries is not always symmetrical. Therefore we recommend imaging with longer delays (2 to 4 minutes) in order to obtain more homogeneous luminal enhancement. Write. Nutcracker Syndrome occurs when the left renal vein is compressed between the superior mesenteric artery and the aorta. The IVC is formed by the joining of the left and right common iliac veins and brings collected blood into the right atrium of the heart. Ultrasound imaging with color flow Doppler imaging can be diagnostic for a variety of IVC anomalies. Leiomyosarcomas of the IVC arise from the smooth muscle cells in the vessel wall. The tributaries of the IVC correspond to the branches of the abdominal aorta. It is formed near the anteroinferior aspect of the liver and enters the inferior vena cava near the upper border of the caudate lobe. Duplicated right renal vein: There is presence of two right renal veins, one anterior and one posterior, usually at the same level. Congenital anomalies of the IVC generally include abnormal position of the IVC or absence of IVC. If the tumor obstructs the hepatic segment of the IVC, it may manifest as Budd-Chiari syndrome with abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, and ascites due to obstruction of the hepatic veins. At the level of the renal veins, the second lumbar vein usually joins the inferior vena cava but it may occasionally drain into the third lumbar vein or the ascending lumbar vein. CHAPTER 110 Inferior Vena Cava and Its Main Tributaries, Carlos Cuevas, Manjiri Dighe, Mariam Moshiri. The diameter of the main hepatic veins on average 12.3 mm, and back — 4.8 mm. The suprarenal IVC, moreover, may show heterogeneous enhancement because of mixing of the contrast bolus returning from the renal veins. Circumcaval ureter (also known as retrocaval ureter): The anomaly always occurs on the right side. In each condition, there are documented variations in the course and tributaries of the IVC. The inferior vena cava is a large, valveless, venous trunk that receives blood from the legs, the back, and the walls and contents of the abdomen and pelvis. The inferior vena cava (IVC) drains venous blood from the lower trunk, abdomen,pelvis and lower limbs to the right atrium of the heart. Note that some professors will want you to know at which vertebral level the … Azygos continuation of the IVC results when there is a developmental anomaly involving the suprarenal segment. Etiology and Pathophysiology (Including any Special Anatomic Considerations). 3. The IVC is composed of four segments which form during the 6 to 8 weeks postconception. This article will discuss the anatomy of these tributaries in detail, followed by any relevant clinical notes. There are parietal and visceral tributaries of the inferior vena cava. The patients typically present lower extremity edema and subcutaneous collateral veins in the abdominal wall. hemiazygos continuation of the IVC: often occurs with duplicated IVCs; interazygos vein: occurs when forming a common trunk with the accessory hemiazygos vein anterior to the aorta 6 The IVC extends from the confluence of the common iliac veins at the level of L5 vertebral body, to the right atrium of the heart in right prevertebral location, next to the abdominal aorta and is surrounded by a rich network of lymphatic vessels (Fig. Multiple other retroperitoneal tumors can compress and invade the IVC, including lymphomas, metastasis of gonadal or uterine tumors, pheochromocytomas, and other retroperitoneal sarcomas. Anatomical variations or obstruction of the IVC can make these procedures difficult. The inferior vena cava (IVC) and major tributary veins are retroperitoneal structures with unique anatomic and developmental characteristics that offer special challenges for clinical and radiologic assessment. At this level, a fat pad (continuous with the retroperitoneal fat) can be seen in many normal patients in an inferomedial location, sometimes bulging into the lumen of the IVC. The hepatic segment of IVC is derived from the vitelline vein, which conveys blood from the viscera. Palpable, painful mass could be the presentation for some tumors (i.e., renal cell carcinoma or large retroperitoneal sarcomas). Almost 10% of these patients with a coexisting thrombophilia have congenital absence of the IVC.4. Azygos continuation, in particular, can be associated with significant congenital heart disease. Key Words: inferior vena cava (IVC) , portal vein , mesenteric veins , venous trauma , noncompressible hemorrhage Introduction Injury to a major vein of the abdomen is highly lethal, thus accounting for limited operative experience. Duplication of IVC with retroaortic right renal vein and hemiazygos continuation of the IVC: There are two IVCs below the level of the renal veins. Dorsal tributaries drain blood from the lumbar back and skin whereas abdominal tributaries drain blood from the anterior, posterior and lateral abdominal walls as well as from the parietal peritoneum. The common iliac veins join at the level of L5 to form the inferior vena cava and can thus be considered its tributaries of origin. Contrast-enhanced CT shows two IVC—one on each side of the aorta. First, those corresponding to the anterior visceral branches of the aorta form the portal vein, which passes into the liver at the porta hepatis. The right IVC (I) continues through the azygos vein (A) above the level of the renal veins. B, CECT of the abdomen shows the posterior left renal vein (arrow) crossing behind the abdominal aorta 1 cm caudad to the anterior left renal vein. 2. The left inferior phrenic vein drains higher than its right counterpart and is found superior to the oesophageal opening in the diaphragm. Azygos continuation of IVC: The infrarenal portion of IVC receives blood from the renal veins. left posterior 8 th-11 th intercostal veins; left superior phrenic vein left renal vein (occasionally) IVC (occasionally) Variant anatomy. Treatment involves surgical intervention such as left renal vein transposition, where the left renal vein is moved in order to cease the compression, or a nephrectomy, where all or part of the kidney is removed. It is partially covered anteriorly by the peritoneal membrane. Deviations in the complex embryogenesis of the IVC may result in an overall 4% of anatomic variants in the general population. Right Renal Vein . Only gold members can continue reading. Hepatic portal system. Register now Recommendations for clinicians are. and grab your free ultimate anatomy study guide! It was established that in past hepatic part of IVC fall from 7 to 23 veins. The very first and 2nd lumbar veins finish in the ascending lumbar vein. Parietal inflows are formed in the walls of the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. Retroaortic left renal vein: The renal vein crosses posterior to the aorta to join the IVC. Here, they are connected by the ascending lumbar vein, which runs anterior to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. It is recommended to ensure that there is at least a 2-minute delay between intravenous contrast administration and CT scanning because this will improve the likelihood for homogeneous enhancement of the IVC. FIGURE 110-4 Circumaortic left renal vein. The origin of a second, posterior left renal vein is visualized (arrowhead). Visceral tributaries of the inferior vena cava: a) adrenal veins b) inferior diaphragmatic veins c) testicular vein d) renal vein e) lumbar veins 493. Like with the ovarian vein, it can also cause a PE, so prophylaxis with anticoagulants is usually carried out. Tributaries. In human cardiovascular system: Inferior vena cava and its tributaries. The detection of anatomic variants in the renal veins is particularly important at the time of surgical planning for kidney donation. The first step in this complex process is the formation of the posterior supracardinal and more anterior subcardinal veins. The middle hepatic vein usually drains segments IV, V and VIII, whilst the left hepatic vein drains segments II and III as well as segment IV on occasion. Similar anatomic detail can be seen on MRI as is seen on CT. Steady-state free precession (SSFP; also termed b-FFE, Philips Medical Systems; FIESTA, General Electric Healthcare; True-FISP, Siemens Medical Solutions) pulse sequences are “bright blood” techniques that are particularly good for illustrating abdominal veins. Tributaries. The left gonadal and suprarenal veins join the left renal vein, the … Primary IVC tumors (leiomyosarcomas) are very rare with only one large series published in the literature. The gonadal veins drain into the ipsilateral renal veins. The inferior vena cava, the largest vein in the human body, transports blood from the lower limbs, most of the back, the abdominopelvic viscera and the abdominal walls to the right atrium. Hepatic portal system. FIGURE 110-1 Normal IVC. Symptoms include right lower quadrant pain and a fever. The emergence of CT and MRI for vascular imaging has facilitated the transitioning of x-ray catheter angiography from merely a diagnostic tool to a viable less invasive percutaneous therapeutic replacement for complex open surgical interventions. It communicates with the vertebral venous plexuses. Phrenic. On the right, the gonadal veins and suprarenal veins drain into the inferior vena cava directly. Thrombosis can also occur in the renal veins and is most common in patients with nephrotic syndrome, a kidney disorder characterised by proteinuria (protein in the urine), oedema and hypercholesterolemia. Almost 10% of these patients with a coexisting thrombophilia have congenital absence of the IVC. The inferior cava is the large collecting vessel for deoxgenated blood drained from the lower limbs, pelvis and abdomen. The lumbar veins collect blood from the vertebral plexuses near the vertebral column. Flashcards. Major tributaries such as the renal and adrenal veins have been studied extensively; however, tributaries of the infra-renal segment of the inferior vena cava (IVC) have not been given much attention. There are usually five pairs of lumbar veins. Obtain a complete anatomic assessment with CT or MRI of the relevant location (i.e., chest, abdomen, and/or pelvis). This fat should not be considered pathologic and should not generate any further work-up studies. It receives the left gonadal vein and crosses posterior to the aorta to join the IVC (Fig. naturalghost. Usually, there is a singular azygos vein on the right side of the body. Although the diagnosis of IVC anatomic aberrations may be suspected with abdominal ultrasonography, the assessment is usually limited due to their deep location, difficult insonation angle for Doppler studies, and/or the presence of bowel gas that may obscure key segments of the veins. With partial or complete absence of the IVC, large gonadal and parauterine veins can be seen. Some problems that can develop within the inferior vena cava include compression and thrombosis. One of the most common causes of neoplastic invasion of the IVC lumen is the renal cell carcinoma (RCC) that can be seen invading the IVC through the renal vein in 4% to 10% of the cases. The first lumbar vein occasionally drains into the inferior vena cava but usually drains into the second lumbar vein, the ascending lumbar vein or the azygos vein. The right gonadal vein (ovarian in females and testicular in males) joins the inferior vena cava just inferior to the level of the left renal vein at an acute angle. It passes posterior to the diaphragmatic crura, enters the thorax as the azygos vein, and then joins the superior vena cava at the azygos arch. With the absence of infrarenal IVC or entire IVC, patients may present with venous insufficiency of the lower extremities or idiopathic deep venous thrombosis. The IVC is composed of four segments which form during the 6 to 8 weeks postconception.2,3 This is due to continuous appearance and regression of three paired embryonic veins, which include the posterior cardinal veins, the subcardinal veins, and the supracardinal veins. On the left, they drain into the renal vein which in turn drains into the inferior vena cava. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) frequently invades the portal vein but also on rare occasions can invade the IVC through the hepatic veins. Parietal tributaries: Lumbar veins (vv. Reading time: 7 minutes. 80-90% of the time, thrombosis occurs in the right ovarian vein. With azygous continuation of the IVC, the infrahepatic IVC can be seen draining into the azygos vein with direct hepatic venous drainage into the right atrium. It finishes at the right end of porta hepatis by splitting into a right branch and a left branch. Phrenic Renal Internal Iliac. The IVC’s function is to carry the venous blood from the lower limbs and abdominopelvic region to the heart.. SSFP, especially performed in cine mode, is useful for identification of central venous thrombosis. 110-1). “I would honestly say that Kenhub cut my study time in half.” In our institution, they are used mostly for therapeutic procedures. Treatment involves anticoagulation and thrombolytic therapy and may involve liver transplantation if the liver disease progresses to decompensated cirrhosis. With left IVC, the IVC is positioned to the left of the abdominal aorta. The symptomatic patients would require evaluation of the venous system in the lower extremity and the urinary system. A mnemonic which can be used to remember these tributaries is as follows: 'I Like To Rise So High'. Because the left adrenal veins drain to the left renal vein, left adrenal tumors reach the IVC through this pathway. The image also shows a large hemiazygos vein (arrow) that arises from the left renal vein as continuation of the left IVC. Contrast-enhanced CT shows two IVC—one on each side of the aorta. Duplication of IVC with retroaortic left renal vein and azygos continuation of IVC: There are two infrarenal IVCs. The IVC is formed from the two common iliac veins at the L5 vertebral level. Treatment includes anticoagulation therapy and antibiotics. Kenhub. There may be variants in this anatomy and there may be significant discrepancy in the size of the two IVCs. 3 Lateral visceral tributaries: right suprarenal vein, renal veins, and right testicular/ovarian vein. Log In or, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), on Inferior Vena Cava and Its Main Tributaries. Version 2.69 36790-4MRA Inferior vena cava + tributariesActive Term Description This study is used to image the inferior vena cava (IVC) and its tributaries. Other tributaries include the bronchial veins, pericardial veins, and posterior right intercostal veins. They include: The lumbar veins drain blood from various areas of the body via many tributaries. Multidetector row CT (i.e., MDCT) has become the modality of choice for IVC assessment. Tributaries. It was established that in past hepatic part of IVC fall from 7 to 23 veins. It also joins with the azygos vein (which runs on the right side of the vertebral column) and venous plexuses next to the spinal cord. 20.36): 1. In more complex IVC anomalies, such as duplication of IVC with retroaortic right renal vein and hemiazygos continuation of the IVC or complete absence of the IVC, ultrasonography may be unable to fully delineate all venous connections and CT or MRI may be required. In this chapter, we will discuss the anatomy and pathology of the IVC, starting with the anatomic variants, then we will review tumoral disease affecting the IVC and finally, we will discuss some liver transplantation and interventions. Two thirds of the leiomyosarcomas appear predominantly as extraluminal growth and the other one third appear mostly as intraluminal tumors. On Doppler, one IVC will drain the left renal vein. Circumaortic left renal vein: A circumaortic left renal vein may be difficult to see on Doppler imaging because the two veins do not join the IVC at the same level. IVC duplication (infrarenal). Even though the clinical assessment of IVC pathology presents several limitations, the revolutionary advances we have seen in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology allow us to achieve excellent noninvasive assessments of these structures. Lumbar veins – drain the posterior abdominal wall. Dimitrios Mytilinaios MD, PhD Anatomic variants of the IVC can be seen in association with other anomalies. During its course, it receives many veins referred to as tributaries of the inferior vena cava. The origin and anatomical course of the azygos vein are quite variable. Azygos-hemiazygos continuation of the IVC with duplication of the infrarenal IVC. The specific levels of the tributaries are as follows: Because the IVC is not centrally located, there are some asymmetries in drainage patterns. Close to the inferior vena cava, it is found anterior to the aorta and inferior to the superior mesenteric artery. It runs along the right side of the vertebral column with the aorta lying on the left. This causes hypercoagulability thus increasing the risk of thrombus formation. Partial or complete absence of IVC: The variants of this anomaly include complete absence of the entire IVC which may include the iliac veins as well and partial absence of IVC with preservation of the suprarenal segment. Provide the information when requesting an imaging examination because this may aid in selecting the proper protocol for the imaging examination. The IVC receives a number of tributaries including common iliac, lumbar, renal, right adrenal, and hepatic veins. Visceral tributaries carry blood from internal organs. The right inferior vena cava was formed in the usual way by the junction of the right and left common iliac veins, and from thence upward it pursued the ordinary course of the inferior vena cava on the right of the aorta. It opens into its right anterolateral aspect and is usually double in its course. With retroaortic left renal vein, an increased incidence of testicular varicoceles has been reported, presumably due to compression of the left renal vein by the abdominal aorta. The shape of the IVC varies from round to ovoid or even flat depending on a multitude of factors such as intrathoracic pressure, blood volume status, or the presence of congestive heart failure. Is particularly important at the posterior abdominal wall tributaries: inferior phrenic vein and continuation! Cava near the anteroinferior aspect of the lumbar veins collect blood from the lower and! Receives blood from the lower limbs, pelvis and abdomen azygos continuation, particular... Ct ( i.e., MDCT ) has become the modality of choice for IVC assessment tumors cause. Veins ; left superior phrenic vein drains into the right, the iliac veins the. Is 2.5 cm long and is usually asymptomatic but may present with flank pain in... 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